Electrical Design Calculations
Motor Current Calculations
The resistance of the motor is meausred to be approximately 1 ohm. We also attached
1 ohm resistor in series with each motor to reduce the current. The voltage through the
motor is 7.2 volts. The TLE H-bridge has a RDS-ON of approximately 0.5 ohms at each end.
Therefore the total resistance is 3 ohms.
I = V/R = 7.2 V / 3 ohms = 2.4 amps
The maximum current through the TLE is 5 amps continuous. Therefore we are ok.
Battery Life Calculations
Battery capacity : 1500 mAH
1500 mAH/battery * 2 batteries = 3000 mAH
PIC16F690 : 600 ľA @ 8 MHz, 3.3V, 1100 ľA @ 8 MHz, 5.0 V,
Transceiver :160 ľA
Shift register (74HC595) : 160 ľA
LEDs : 30 mA * 5 = 150 mA
Total current usage = 152.02 mA
The helm can operate for 3000 / 152.02 = 19.73 hours.