Gems of Wisdom



1. Check voltage level of batteries when sensor outputs start acting weird. Voltage regulator might be acting funny.


2. It is a good idea to add fuse in order to prevent from voltage short.


3. Always keep in mind the limitation of current - It is hard to drive multiple motors with one battery.


4. Insert capacitor between (+) terminal and ground. It reduces noise.


5. Use color bands or tags when connecting electrical parts. It will be greatly helpful for maintaining your circuit.


6. Instead of just discussing at the table, start making hardware early! You will run into more problems than you have expected during the manufacturing process.

    You have to secure enough time to solve the problems and tune the machine at the final stage.


7. Use filter to reduce the effect of the ambient light : Your bot may work in the lab, but may not in the competition site due to ambient light level change.




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